
Party Craft 10 of 50 Decorated Notebooks

Ooooh Boy. The altered notebooks were also inspired by Craft Bits
Walgreens is having a sale on little notebooks, so I picked up a few to decorate.

The girl picked out the scrapbooking paper they wanted to use and cut the paper down to size on their own.

In addition they were allowed to rummage through all of the craft materials and stickers in the house to use on their notebooks.

The final products. This took about 20 minutes, and they probably would have kept going if I wouldnt have kicked them out of the house to play outside in the sun.

Both girls found this project enjoyable and really like have notebooks they decorated themselves. They both indicated this would be a fun craft to make at a party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It could be used as a journal as well. With school supplies going for cheap these days think how long it would keep them occupied if we used a regular sized notebook. ((boggles))

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